
Andy Warhol famously used the Polaroid Big Shot camera, everything from a terrible camera, but perfectly arrange to do a beautiful job of one thing only. Portraits.

I stumbled across one of these, as is always the case amongst a frenzied research into a new artist or thing. My tutors always told me to ignore Warhol, because he was ‘too obvious’, but I feel like that only works if you were ever exposed to them as an artist growing up.

The film these things use used to be cheap and plentiful, but now its like £100 a pack. I was watching a video of Warhol using the Polaroid Big Shot, and in it he is photographing a lot to get the results he wants. So I did what I had to do.

I hacked, I tinkered, I modified and I made it use the most plentiful Instant film around, Instax Wide.

Now I am on V2, with even more specific adjustments to get photographs just like Warhol took.

The perfect camera to take to events too, below is from a new creative community space opening event.